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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • A Letter from re:place and Spacing

    After months of discussions and planning, re:place and Spacing Magazine have an exciting announcement! By the re:place Magazine & Spacing Magazine Editors

  • Steam Work

    Surely, my proximity to one of Vancouver’s biggest, and most baffling, tourist attractions, the Gastown Steam Clock, which of course is no longer...

  • Mappa: The Cartographic Cloth

    The word “map” has its origins in the Latin word “mappa” which refers to a cloth square or napkin. My long-term interest in...

  • Honk if you love honking

    Can Abu Dhabi transform itself from a city for cars to one for people? By Jessica Hume, re:place Magazine (as originally printed in Spacing Magazine)

  • The Social Life of Public Space in West Africa

    Little is written in the public spaces within the context of West Africa. As this piece discusses, however, engaging this topic opens up important issues...

  • The top reads of 2010

    Another year has passed and it’s time for the third annual list of our favourite reads from the past year. By the re:place team

  • Boat Buses

    What can cities learn from the public transit in Abidijan, Ivory Coast? Marco Chown Oved gives us a glimpse into their system of bateaux buses. Photo and...

  • Infiltrating Spaces

    Urban explorers live and spelunk by their own code of conduct. By Liz Clayton, originally printed in Spacing Magazine Photo by Michael Cook

  • Mountain and Ocean Tax: The Vancouver Standard from a Winnipeg Perspective

    A look at Vancouver through the eyes of a fellow Winnipeg resident. By Lisa Ewasko, re:place Magazine

  • Homeless Voyeurism

    Perhaps the fascination is the difference from our normal day-to-day lives. We’re repulsed, but we feel sorry for them. We don’t want them around, but...

  • Making Space for a Kiosk/Cart Culture from Portland to Accra

    Kiosks are an opportunity to increase richness in our urban fabric, promote experimentation and deliver goods/services in walkable locations while...

  • Personalizing Space

    City spaces are at once permanent and ephemeral. This photo essay looks at the how our spaces are used in unexpected ways. Images and Statement by Lisa Parker