By YarOn Stern
Thom and NIMBY: An Odd Coupling
What are we talking about when we remember the dead? I’ve recently helped my family in Israel produce a book in memory of my father, and thanks to...
Mechanisms of connection
A city in change can be fascinating and inspiring, as much as it can be sad and depressing. This is true, I suspect, for its residents and its governors...
Reflections on Planning Grandview-Woodland
Although I live near Norquay Park, I have a strong connection to Grandview-Woodland. Ever since I moved to the east side in 2004, both Commercial Drive...
Room for thought & space for creation
“What if most people’s priorities are NOT culture? Maybe politicians actually DO respond to residents’ demands.” My question came in response to one of...
Talking About Cars
“So what is it about Vancouver that everyone’s talking about?”, my father’s question from 2009 resonated in me as I was taking this picture...
Disasters by the Book
Would you be able to rely on your neighbors in the event an earthquake struck your home? How helpful would public institutions remain if a flood swept...