Film & Video
Video Vancouver: Captive City
Shot over the course of a year from an apartment on the 24th floor in downtown Vancouver, BC. Music by Olenka and the Autumn Lovers.
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Say Hi Vancouver
Are Vancouverites generally unfriendly? What do you think? There has been talk over the last few years about whether the city of Vancouver can be a...
By Caroline Toth -
Video Vancouver: The Bridge Came Tumbling Down
The Bridge Came Tumbling Down by Stompin’ Tom Connors. This 1972 song was written to the memory of the 19 men killed in the collapse of the Ironworkers...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Bicycled » A bike made out of cars
Cars go to the junkyard and we will recycle them to create the most efficient, ecological and healthy means of transportation. Bicycled, the bike made out...
By Caroline Toth -
Video Vancouver: Vigilante Bus Driver
This is a compilation of videos taken from the YouTube channel of one Russian bus driver. He often encounters drivers who don’t respect traffic...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: The Gruen Effect. Victor Gruen and the Shopping Mall
Victor Gruen was maybe the most influential architect of the twentieth century: He is regarded as the father of the shopping mall. How fundamentally his...
By Caroline Toth -
Video Vancouver: Jane Jacob on Visual Order, Art & Life
A short reading from The Death and Life of Great American Cities, by Jane Jacobs. This copy published by Vintage Books, copyright 1961. Chapter 19, Visual...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: Built To Last
“Built to Last” won first place in The Congress for the New Urbanism CNU 17 video contest. This short film explores the connection between New...
By Caroline Toth -
Video Vancouver: car2go movements in Vancouver
From 4 am Friday morning to 4 am Saturday morning, February 8th/9th, 2013. Background map from OpenStreetMap, © OpenStreetMap contributors. This video...
By Yuri Artibise -
Junkyard cars recycled into working bicycles
Watch the above video about a bicycle that is manufactured from a variety of junkyard car parts. The frame is welded together from various car metals, the...
By Jonathan Zettel -
Video Vancouver: Placemaking Mistakes Dance
Using dance to illustrate city planning concepts.
By Yuri Artibise -
Apply to attend youth summit on transit in Calgary
If you are 18 – 28 years old with a keen interest in transit and sustainable transportation, apply to be a delegate at the Leading the Way Youth...
By Matthew Blackett