Video Vancouver: There Goes the Gayborhood
There Goes the Gayborhood is a new book by Amin Ghaziani that explores how and why gay neighborhoods are changing.
By Yuri Artibise -
How to Throw a Block Party in Vancouver
[Author’s Note: Summer is the perfect time to get outside and get to know your neighbours. The Vancouver Public Space Network published this...
By Jillian Glover -
Vancouver Tour has a Musqueam Perspective
The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is piloting a project with the Musqueam Indian Band to offer a tour of Vancouver from a slightly different perspective...
By Eve Lazarus -
BOOK REVIEW – Socially Restorative Urbanism: The theory, process and practice of Experiemics
Authors: Kevin Thwaites, Alice Mathers, Ian Simkins (Routledge, 2014) Over the past several decades, a number of frameworks have attempted to reshape the...
By Pietra Basilij -
Cartographically Speaking: Vancouver’s West End
Click here to see a larger image. Adam Naamani’s recent piece on the gentrification of Vancouver’s West End brought to mind some of the...
By Erick Villagomez -
Video Vancouver: Chinatown Nightlife
Submitted by Victor Ngo. After Sunset: Nightlife in Vancouver’s Chinatown Vancouver’s Chinatown has a rich history of a vibrant nightlife. During...
By Yuri Artibise -
Vancouver’s West End Gentrification
Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. – Arnold Bennett It’s one of the most densely...
By Adam Naamani -
Gastown 1905 to 2014
As Vancouver’s original Downtown founded in 1867, Gastown survived a period of decline and disrepair following the 1960s, today known as a tourist...
By Adam Naamani -
EVENT: Active Fiction – Intersecting public space with fiction in Riley Park, May 3-4
This weekend, on May 3rd and 4th, the Vancouver Public Space Network is presenting a preview of Active Fiction — a project at the intersection of public...
By Vancouver Public Space Network -
The Strathcona Story: A community that fought back, and the Architect that helped rebuild
In December of 1968, the residents of one of Vancouver’s oldest neighbourhoods, Strathcona, were faced with losing their neighbourhood. Whole city blocks...
By Vancouver Heritage Foundation -
Studies on the West End – Camera Obscura 1555 Georgia Street
[Editor’s Note: Schools are the repository of ideas and experimentation. All too frequently, however, interesting and provocative work remains...
By Spacing -
Where Happiness and Urban Design Intersect: An Interview with Happy City Author, Charles Montgomery
Charles Montgomery is a man with an obsession. He’s spent years investigating the link between cities and happiness. Montgomery’s findings...
By Liz Vossen