Urban Planet: Creative Class, Revisited
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
MOV and Vancouver Maritime Museum celebrate Canada Day with FREE ADMISSION
The Vancouver Maritime Museum and the Museum of Vancouver, both located in Vanier Park in Kitsilano, are celebrating Canada Day by offering Vancouverites...
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Vanishing Vancouver: The Last 25 Years
“As the eighties progressed , the city – especially its residential areas – endured a demolition spree. The theme of my earlier Vanishing Vancouver book...
By Sean Ruthen -
June 26, 2012 Headlines
LOCAL • Vancouver housing task force says city needs housing authority, more supply and diversity [OpenFile] • Housing ‘task force’ plan not strong enough...
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Release: Hastings Park/PNE Master Plan Implementation: New Brighton Park Connection – Adoption of Concept Plan
The first installment of the Hastings Park Master Plan will be presented to City Council for final approval next week. The Connection to New Brighton Park...
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Urban Planet: Transient Camps
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
Price Points: Urban Propinquity
A summer day, a hiker, berries in the bush:  Where is she? Here, on Habitat Island, False Creek, in the heart of Vancouver (map here). . A kilometre...
By Gordon Price -
Increasing Cycling Ridership and Safety (Velo-city Preview Part 2!)
The sun is coming out as the journey through Vancouver becomes easier. Visitors and locals leave fast moving traffic and exhaust fumes behind, and eagerly...
By Kathleen Corey -
June 25, 2012 Headlines
LOCAL • The Growth of Grandview 1903-1910 [Grandview Heritage Group] • Vancouver sprouting cranes with 16 condo towers in progress and 67 others in the...
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June 24, 2012 Headlines
LOCAL • Too close for comfort in Vancouver condo market [Globe and Mail] CANADA • Life Inside the Broken City [The Atlantic Cities] INTERNATIONAL â€...
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June 23, 2012 Headlines
LOCAL • Transportation 2040: the Extraordinary Slides [Price Tags] • Vancouver’s bike sharing program may take a hit on helmet laws [Vancouver Sun] â€...
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Urban Planet: Greenpeace’s Billboard Ad
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best