EVENT: VPSN “Bike-in Movie Night”, Sept 19th
WHEN: Friday, September 19th, 8pm WHERE: GOPark parking lot on Hasting at Hamilton The Vancouver Public Space Network, presents “Bike-in Movie Night”, a...
By Spacing -
Sunset Beach
Photo by VancouverDoug The 217.5 Arc X13 sculpture on Sunset Beach, the West End, Vancouver, BC Contribute photos to Spacing Vancouver’s Flickr Pool
By Julie Fish -
UBC Urban Design Forum: 5 Crucial Decades of City Building—Nov 4+5
In 2013, the world passed a threshold. Over half of the world’s population of 7 billion people now live in cities. The continued population growth...
By Yuri Artibise -
EVENT: P4A presents Barbara Bestor & Coast Modern for VDW | Tuesday September 16th
Party For Architects (P4A) is a collective bringing together architects and designers of all spectrums since 2009 to celebrate design in Vancouver. ...
By Spacing -
Special Speaking Event: DENSIFICATION: Options, Opportunities & Consequences, Sept 10th
The Our Community Our Plan (OCOP) group of concerned residents monitoring the Grandview- Woodland Community Plan process has joined with the Britannia...
By Spacing -
Volunteers Needed—Doors Open Vancouver 2014
Doors Open Vancouver is a one-day, free, behind-the-scenes look at Vancouver’s most intriguing buildings. Over 20 buildings will be participating in...
By Yuri Artibise -
Video Vancouver: City Lights
By Daniel Chen
By Yuri Artibise -
RELEASE: VPSN Brings “Feet to the Street” Dance Instructions to Granville
The Vancouver Public Space Network, in partnership with the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association (DVBIA), Bruce Carscadden Architect Inc...
By Spacing -
Video Vancouver: Spyglass Sessions:—Colour the Wild
Via GP Mendoza: We took a trip downtown to Hornby and Hastings for this Spyglass Session with Carly Walde! Vancouver radio listeners might recognize her...
By Yuri Artibise -
Long exposure
Photo by Amanda Catching 254 second exposure of a construction site, August 9, 2014, Vancouver, BC Contribute photos to Spacing Vancouver’s Flickr Pool
By Julie Fish -
Walking Portland
When one types “Portland CBD” in a search engine, one would expect articles and publications on the metropolitan’s newly thriving Central Business...
By Brittany Lee -
Vancouver’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday
LOCAL • Pete McMartin: Forget bike helmets [Vancouver Sun] • Car-share comes right to the doorstep of city halls [State of Vancouver] • Latest poll: 46...
By Spacing