By Abad Khan
Events Guide: Walking the Debris Field: A Natural History
HALIFAX – The Narratives in Space and Time Society (NiS+TS) is having a public art walking event this Sunday (December 6) starting at noon. This...
100in1 Day: A call out to commmunity
Editor’s Note: Guest post by Grace Szucs, a 100in1 Day volunteer in Halifax (We’re so excited for this!) HALIFAX – There’s a certain...
Fairview may lose out due to Halifax’s Arena Strategy
HALIFAX – Almost two years ago, Old HRM made a decision that New Halifax will try and contort itself into, or out of…or maybe a bit of both. The...
HRM’s Regional Plan needs adjustment, but will we seize the moment?
Editor’s Note: Below is an open letter from Frank Palermo sent to HRM Mayor Mike Savage and the Greater Halifax Community on the importance of the...
Events Guide: Transit 101
HALIFAX – Interested in learning more about public transit? A bit more information on Metro Transit’s network redesign? Join the Urban...
Last-minute changes risk undermining HRM’s Regional Plan
HALIFAX – The Regional Plan 5-year review process (RP+5) has been years in the works, but it may be undermined with some significant changes that...
Halifax: A look back, a look ahead
HALIFAX – A new year begins. The possibilities seem endless. Opportunities seem ripe for the taking. 2013 offered a lot of promise and, generally...
Sidewalk snow clearing in Atlantic Canadian Cities
HALIFAX – With all the broken wrists, slips, and copious amounts of ice and snow remaining on city side sidewalks after recent snowstorms...
Morse’s Teas whitewashed
HALIFAX – News broke out (with lots of photos) of Morse’s Teas sign being painted over, over at 1877-79 Hollis St. The Coast, CBC and...
Events Guide: Halifax Pensinsula Cycling Network – Crosstown Connector – Public Workshop
HALIFAX – Halifax Regional Municipality is holding public workshops for its Active Transportation Plan Review tonight, Wednesday, and Saturday...
Events Guide: Design Fredericton – Budget 2013 (and thoughts on Participatory Budgets)
FREDERICTON – In a move to foster better resident engagement, the City of Fredericton held its first public consultation to develop its 2013 budget...
Events Guide: HRM Election 2012 Debate – Districts 9 and 11
HALIFAX – A joint debate for districts 9 and 11, which include the communities of Spryfield, Fairmount, Armdale, and Chebucto Road (to name a...