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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Contribute to Spacing

Spacing is always looking for new ideas, and welcomes queries and pitches from writers for both our magazine and website.

Please read over our Contributors’ Guidelines (below) before contacting us. As we are constantly receiving proposals from potential contributors please do not expect an immediate reply. We will try our best to get back to you as quickly possible. If you would like to receive our calls for submission (for writers, photographers, and illustrators) you should send us an email to be put on our list:


Spacing magazine articles should focus on an issue, event, organization, person, project, or place related to public space in Toronto or the Greater Toronto Area. We may occasionally consider articles that include other Canadian cities. (The Spacing Vancouver online publication looks at Vancouver and Greater Vancouver – see below).

Privately owned spaces are not part of our mandate, even if they are open to and used by the public and serve a public function (e.g. restaurants, museums). There are grey areas, however, and we are willing to consider pitches that address them.

Spacing focuses on critique, solutions, and celebration of the city. We want to inspire others to take part in our public space by writing about creative things people and organizations are doing. Spacing is above all a political and cultural magazine, and authors should show they are aware of the social implications of their subject. The majority of the articles will directly or indirectly address the politics of public space and its relation to other issues.


Before submitting a proposal, read through past issues of Spacing to get an idea of our writing style and the type of stories we are looking for.

Email us a written proposal, along with a writing sample. The proposal should be long enough to include the angle, point of view, sources, and length. Please inform us if you have sent your proposal or manuscript to other publications. For the most part, Spacing is only interested in previously unpublished work.

The editorial team will discuss your proposal. If it is accepted, you will be contacted by one of the editors. As we are constantly receiving new ideas from writers, we cannot respond to every pitch. If you have not heard from us within two months of you submitting your proposal you should assume we have not been able to find a place for it in our lineup.

We welcome proposals from both experienced and inexperienced writers. We receive numerous queries for each issue, and often end up with more good ideas than the magazine can hold. If we like your pitch, we will decide whether it is best suited for the magazine or any of the other upcoming issues of Spacing.

Email all pitches to


After your article is accepted, an editor will be assigned to your article and will let you know the word count as well as the deadline and payment. Keep in mind that once you’ve submitted a completed piece to the magazine you may be asked to revise your article or to do more research.

Spacing will communicate with you about our contributor rates when we request the use of your contribution.


Spacing publishes blogs for Toronto and Vancouver. You can pitch ideas directly to our city blog editors.


Magazine and Toronto:  [ ]
Vancouver: Erick Villagomez, editor: [ ]