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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Hi! Is the image at the top of Fort Edmonton? Where did you get it from/who made it?? Thanks!

  2. Howdy! The painting is an oil on canvas of Fort Edmonton by Paul Kane around the 1850s. It’s currently in Royal Ontario Museum and this is a scan of it courtesy of UBC Press.

  3. Why did choose Edmonton over Calgary? I’m delighted about it, but most usually think of Edmonton as the blue collar town, and Calgary as the white collar more urban city. Just curious?

  4. Dre S, thanks for the comment and question! We are also quite delighted that Spacing is here!

    Spacing did not choose Edmonton over Calgary. Simply put, dedicated Edmontonians worked together with the Spacing team to expand here. We definitely would like to see our fellows in Calgary to follow suit.

    On a side note: your recognition of common misconceptions about Edmonton definitely echoes the ideas presented in this note. One could argue that Edmonton has been a city much longer than Calgary despite the urban form and demographics. On the other hand, urbanists, perhaps, should expand their perceptions about what constitutes as ‘urban’.