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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

2010 | Issue 19

2010 City Hall Election

Inside the Fall 2010 issue of Spacing, our contributors take a look back on the last four years at City Hall to see where we’ve come as a city and where we’re heading. Spacing identifies the 10 most important urban issues facing the city — traffic and congestion, public transit, urban planning and development, parks, environment, the waterfront, bikes, walking, police and safety, and city growth. This jam-packed cover section is 40 pages and provides readers with an honest assessment of the successes and failures of our public spaces.

You can also find some great content in the front and back sections of the magazine: how a fence can be a good neighbour; the rise in police cameras after the G20 Summit; when the first big box stores arrived in the inner suburbs; and the history of putting a deck (or park) over top of the Allen Road.