03: Winter 2005
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Slipping through the spectacle
People in Toronto like to drag their parties out onto the streets. It gives the rest of us a chance to sneak in and crash them, or participate, or just...
By Matthew Blackett -
Camera shy?
Ever get the feeling you're being...
Playing in public space
It’s a late afternoon in early autumn at Christie Pits: it’s the weekend and the air is comfortable, though the sun is slouching towards the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Working in public space
I have a day job. I have my own little spot in the corner of the office on the fifth floor of a building, and I have my own desk. If I was the sort of...
By Matthew Blackett -
The city as a playground
In April 2004, students in New York University’s Interactive Telecommunications program converted a large chunk of Greenwich Village into a game...
By Matthew Blackett -
Navigate the streets playfully
Young revolutionaries
I was a 10-year-old...
On a wing and a prayer
Dead birds: four. Hurt birds: one. Today is a good day for Michael Mesure. It’s 7 a.m. on a clear September morning and Mesure is patrolling...
By Matthew Blackett -
The sidewalk blues
Walk down any main street in Toronto and you’re bound to encounter at least a couple of people trying to entertain the pedestrians scurrying past...
By Matthew Blackett