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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Community groups want to reduce the number of cars in Montreal

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The Montreal Gazette has a report today about the Coalition for the Reduction of Montreal Traffic, which represents some 42 community groups. They say building new highways is not the answer. Instead they want the number of all-day parking spots reduced, making it more difficult for people to bring cars into the city.

The number of motor-vehicle registrations on the island jumped 10.5 per cent between 1999 and 2006, to 845,086, according to the Société d’assurance automobile du Québec. That far outstrips the three-per-cent population growth during the same period, Porlier said.

Increasingly, he added, Montreal drivers trying to avoid main arteries are taking shortcuts by speeding through residential streets.

Residents must take advantage of traffic-calming techniques, advocates told a news conference. Street narrowings are particularly effective at bringing drivers to heel, Porlier said.

The coalition speaks for at least 10,000 Montrealers, he said, and its approach is founded on local action. An increase in the frequency, reach, comfort and reliability of public transit is one of its cornerstones.

People talk a lot about being “sustainable”, but the article suggests the number of the cars in the province is on the rise. Are individuals willing to give up some lifestyle comforts (read: SUVs) to make a difference?



  1. What do SUVs have to do with anything? The top selling cars are Civics, Echos and the likes in Montréal and Québec. Can’t you leave behind the typical and annoying stereotypes about cars and especially SUVs and concentrate about the real issues: congestion.

    Moreoever the reason for more cars is that people in Montréal are getting richer, they can now afford more comfort.

  2. Yea, and isn’t it that very need for comfort that has put our species on the endangered list?

  3. Environmentalists can’t win, I guess. Either we are decried as “latte-drinkers” with no real-life problems, or as envious losers who can’t afford “more comfort”.

    Cars, even small ones, cause congestion – obviously large ones are worse in that respect, and pollute more. An urban lifestyle requires comfortable, efficient public transport, accessible to people of limited mobility and parents travelling with children. And as few cars as possible.

  4. I hope that the Government will act on this matter as soon as possible, because it’s for their community sake. They can’t disobey the law once the government announced the reduction. And what’s wrong without having a car? you have pretty small place.

  5. I think all cars should be banned from the island of Montreal. Start by having a congestion tax, then a massive surcharge for parking. Then raise the insurance premiums of anyone who has a car in the city to something like 10,000$ a year. Eventually people will stop driving, end of story. Then the greenies can finally see that the solution to automobile congestion and pollution will be perpetually overflowing buses, trains and metros, and even higher rental costs because people will need to move closer to work and push everyone else out. See if they like THAT. Like it or not, the same number of people have to get to work; and cycling only works in summer.

  6. Traffic calming techniques don’t work because existing arteries are poorly constructed, poorly designed, and under capacity, which will only mean more congestion and therefore more fuel consumption, more smog, and a hazier neighbourhood. What is required, I think, is a rationalisation of the road system, starting with poor traffic signal coordination and nuissance stop signs. I’m glad to see that the speed limits will be reduced on residential streets to 40 kph, so now let’s actually police those speed limits. Finally, and most expensively, start rebuilding the highways so that they make sense (don’t go from three lanes to two and then to three again within 100 meters).

    I agree, fewer cars would be better, but until there is a better alternative, we need them–this is North America.

  7. By under capacity, I meant OVER capacity!

  8. As of today, the number of cars per capita is 1.5, incredible, the population in montreal today is 2.5million, if u do the calculation it’s like 3.5million cars aproximately…and these cars are not hybrid cars, but polutant cars! in 5 years, the pop.will increase by 0.9% which will be 2.9million just imagine the num.of cars, and the environmental issues we’ll have!

  9. by the way, the number of cars per capita in 5 years will be 2(average), so we will have around 4.8million cars! and just for your information,i am a lebanese lesbian if anyone wants to have a debate on environmental issues and air polution,water polution with me on msn.

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