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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. By comparing any part of Montreal to Toronto you are automatically insulting it. Is that your intention?

    Also, perhaps the reason that it seems so anglo is because there is huge lack of integration in most Montreal neighborhoods outside of NDG. How many francophone neighborhoods have a healthy mix of Arabs, Persians, Africans, Koreans, Jamaicans and French and English?

    Just because other neighborhoods are monochromatic and insular doesn’t mean you need to take shots at one in particular.

  2. De toute évidence, Anan est un frustré et son post démontre un biais anti-francophones évident.

    Anan, t’es assez insulaire et monochromatique toi même, donc avant de vouloir juger une société au complet, regarde toi un peu.

  3. Why is a comparison to Toronto an insult? I don’t agree with Cédric’s statement but I don’t find it insulting…

  4. There’s also a Bowfinger’s downtown, on University between Cathcart and Saint Catherine, in the old post office building. It’s good!

  5. Anan, in fairness, I live in Petite Patrie, which is a mainly francophone area with a high degree of cultural diversity.

  6. Mon quartier est avant tout francophone (langue de communication en commun), mais tout aussi cosmopolite que cette partie de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce. Le quartier autour du marché Jean-Talon n’est ni monochrome, ni insulaire…

    And why the US spelling?

  7. I think Anan is off-base- but it is a bit much to suggest that by virtue of being predominantly Anglo, a neighborhood is automatically non-Montreal. Particularly a neighborhood with as much texture and history as NDG.

  8. riiiiiiiiiight. because Toronto has no diversity. Everyone in Toronto only speaks English, right?

    And why does mlle. cormier immediately jump on the first poster and interpret the comment as anti-francophone? That’s just crazy talk, ma’am.

    Folks, I hate to break it to you, but Montreal is not the only city in Canada that has (excuse me while I puke) “ethnic diversity”. These sort of anglo vs. franco comments are incredibly insulting to Canadians who are neither.

    Toronto is Toronto.
    Montreal is Montreal.
    Vancouver is Vancouver.
    Calgary is Calgary.
    Halifax is Halifax.
    Did you know there are whole communities/neighbourhoods in Alberta where you will only hear Vietnamese spoken? Mandarin? And yes, FRENCH. Same goes throughout the WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY, actually.

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