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Photo du jour : Tam-tamming on a carless street

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Tam-tamming on a carless street
Les piétons règnent sur la rue Ste-Catherine jusqu’au 8 septembre.
Que vous en profitiez ces derniers jours.
Photo prise le 8 août, 2009 à l’intersection des rues Ste-Catherine et Berri



  1. I love this city and every diverse cultural group, except people who think drumming belongs outside. No one wants to hear your bad drumming! Sorry, go ruin some other planet’s peace and quiet. Drumming = noise pollution. Drummers = Hummer drivers on the scale of humans being annoying and inconsiderate. The tam-tam is a great way to do it all together and have a happening, and I’m totally cool with that, but please leave the drums inside your house the rest of the time! Please we beg you!

  2. Wow, finally! Thank you Bob. I always found it amusing that Hippies were against every kind of pollution except noise pollution.

  3. Noise pollution, altho’ not as obvious and not as physically damaging as smog-type pollution is becoming more and more of a problem evey year.

    Especially cars and trucks that have sound systems that rattle one’s fillings and windows 24/7/365.

    Those cretins with no or little muffling on their motorcycles or their aforementioned 4-wheel vehicles.

    Cell phone and their abhorrent ring tones on Autobusses with their owners yelling into them so that their voices alone could be heard in Cornwall.

    The topics under discusion are generally infantile.

    The motto of the present age could be, ‘I make noise, therefore I am.’

    Peace and quiet now belongs in the past, with the so-oft-mentioned streetcars gone 50 years demain.

  4. A codicil to the above.

    There is a special place in the flaming hereafter for those ignorant legitimates who insist on illustrating to the whole world that, Yes, Indeed, they are intelligent enough to be able to lock a vehicle’s doors with a remote, thus causing the horn to honk one or more times at 2:30 AM.

    Definitely Cretins low on Iodine of the first order, and self centered too boot.

    They can chew gum simultaneously.

    Years ago I was down a few thousand feet in a Lead/Zinc mine, when the lights were extinguished and the air drills were shut down, it was so silent!

    No wonder Mr. Emond spends so much time below ground. Its quieter down there! historic and fascinating.

    Getting away from it all, right downtown!

  5. I agree Cdnlococo and I’ll add cheap headphones that bleed sound (stock iPod anyone) and Harley’s to that list. God I hate Harley’s! Beautiful machines tuned to sound as if they’re a piece of junk that’s about to blow up.

    We’re going to have to deal with a lot of hearing impaired people in the coming decades.

    I love drummers IF they know how to play. Unfortunately, many sound as if they were taught by a Harley mechanic!

  6. Fifty years ago today, August 30, 1959, streetcars operated in Montreal for the last time.

    Both the cars themselves AND the era in which they operated are memories.

    So much has changed, a lot for the better in health respects, but, so many folks seem to have become inconsiderate and selfish.

    Having said that, ’bout 3 years ago I was in Montreal on business and riding the 103 Monkland Autobus to the Metro, when an elderly lady got on near Hampton.

    There were no seats and I was standing. So many had earphones on or were gabbing on their cells, basically annoying all.

    A seated lady stood up to get off and I noticed several standing young-somethings eyeing her seat.

    I stood in front of it and asked the elderly lady if she would like to sit down.

    She said ‘Non, Merci’, and gave the empty seat to yet another lady half her age.

    Glowers from the young-somethings less than one third her and my age.

    My, My.

    We had to take a streetcar to a Clinic in St Henri in 1956 to get the first Polio vaccinations, still have the certificate in with my Passport.

    A year or so later we had to go back for other shots, but, this time it was an Autobus.

    Glad Polio is gone, so its not all bad that has come in the last half-century.

    Do too hate the crappy music on iPods etc. played at Run 8.

    Harleys can run quiet, but, its all part of the so-called ‘Mistique’.

    ‘My bike’s a Harley, therefore I am’ etc. as above.

    I do have a valid Motorcycle Licence and have owned several.

    Nice day out West of the Rockies, and I am going to go riding, my Mountain Bike, that is, looking out for the bear that has been nosing around, missing my parents and so much that has gone before.

  7. My 85 year old aunt actually drew a knife on me when I said I biked over to see her. She put it away when I explained it was a bicycle, not a noisy harley.

    Where she lives in the country along a scenic border road is apparently a must-do ride for motorcycle riders. Especially, it seems for every motorcyclist without a muffler. She has every right to not have her daily life ruined by these hog-headed maroons.

    (to every motorcycle rider with a stock, non-noisy exhaust system, you have my deepest respect)

    Numerous times I have left Lafontaine park because a gang of people with drums shows up to “share the peace.” Yeah too bad other people’s peace and quiet didn’t fit their definition of peace.

  8. Finalement la rue est ouverte après un été désastreux pour les commerçants…

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