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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. This should be a no brainer. Tremblay has just not delivered and should be held accountable for bringing rotten eggs to the party, while Harel has nothing but outdated urban ideas that continue to not work, hell, being one of the architects of the failed “Mega City” she should be embarrassed to be running for Mayor here.
    We desperately need change in Montreal and Projet Montreal is the only one that can bring it. Change requires some courage and maybe even getting out of one’s comfort zones, but the status quo is killing us.

  2. There has been a slow but steady momentum building over the many multi billion dollar transportation infrastructure projects planned in the next few years… As people are beginning to wake up to some sobering realizations:

    — That the various agencies like the AMT and SHM and the MTQ (forget the CN) are not working in concert with the city or each other, perhaps under pressure from lobby groups…
    — That the public, whether commuters or local populations living in these neighborhoods: Nobody is listening to them/us…
    – Can we really afford to make such an expensive mistake in terms of Montreal’s future economic growth and sustainable development?

    But this is about more than just a transportation issue.

    Montreal is at a crossroads in it’s history… C’est la croisée du chemin … Richard Bergeron is the only leader who has the guts and the background to make some bold and progressive choices based on best practices from examples around the world.. .

    He deserves his chance to bring quality of life back to Montreal streets.

  3. Project Montreal seems the only choice – Harel’s platform and website are a joke: “we will”s and other empty promises. And aren’t we all sick of the Tremblay administration’s corruption? Anyone who does business in Montreal recently received a letter outlining what would be the City’s guidelines for contracting local businesses, and its a pretty funny read, as we all know that this is exactly how business has *not* been done. Bad timing on their part… reminding us all how dirty city hall has been in this last term especially.

  4. I plan on voting for Projet Montreal, but where is Richard Bergeron in the media?

    Everytime I read or hear a piece about the upcoming election, they keep mentionning Harel and Tremblay. Seems like Bergeron is invisible.

    They created a great window when Jean Gomery gave them some momentum… but they failed to surf that wave.

    I wish Projet Montreal had a PR machine as effective as their program.

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