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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Saturday: Hurricane Earl, Bridging Bixi and Transit Plans

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Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.

Ottawa Mayoral hopeful Clive Ducet unveiled his transit plan for the city this past week. Eric Darwin meticulously examines the plan’s highlights, shortcomings and believability.

Spacing Ottawa’s Evan Thornton discovers the bridge that isn’t, a curious old structure over the Transitway, and wonders why it isn’t being used for something better; like a pedestrian/ cyclist crossing.

Ryan Bolton and Spacing Votes follow the increasing post labour day pace of the municipal election, covering both the new feel of the election in the Fall and the release of front-runner Rob Ford’s transit plan.

Shawn Micallef continues his Toronto Flaneur series at the Toronto Zoo and explores its history, sense of place and role within the city.

As Hurricane Earl lashed the East Coast last week, Earth Sciences Professor and Spacing photo contributer Lawrence Plug documented life in Halifax as the storm passed over the city.

Veronica Simmonds reports on the Commons Dance Party, an event intended to celebrate the commons as a free public space at the end of summer.

Alanah Heffez tells the story her neighbourhood’s push to get the Bixi bike sharing program introduced to its of the part of the city and the ensuing bureaucratic tangle.

Devin Alfaro reports on the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre’s upcoming Car-Free Neighbourhoods Week which aims to expose Montrealers to some of the car-free urban design experiments being tested in Europe.

Photo by Alex Grant


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