By Alanah Heffez
Halloween Special: “Factory Face”
Spacing Montreal has never thought of holding a Halloween costume contest but if we did, I’m betting Ian Langohr would take home the prize with...
Photo du jour : J.P. Rioux Antiquaire
Vous trouverez art, antiquités, vélos, et toujours un sapin de Noel bien décoré chez Jean-Pierre Rioux, coin des Érables et Gilford.
What space or place for our collective memories?
Upon arriving at Strip-Tease QDS last Friday, participants were offered twenty questions exploring the intersection of urban design and the collective...
Photo du jour: Tipi urbain?
2-22 Sainte-Catherine, en construction le 30 Septembre 2011
EVENT – À la track, regards sur l’emprise ferrovière – Samedi 1 Oct
Dans le cadre des Journées de la culture, le collectif Ouvert/Open organise deux activités sur la thématique de la voie ferrée et sa réappropriation...
EVENT: Strip-tease QDS
Spacing Montreal is excited to work with the Trudeau Foundation, l’Université de Montréal, and the Maison de l’architecture du Québec to...
Bike Counters Find Cycling Trips Have Doubled on Laurier Ave
Bicycles tend to be quiet, flexible, and take up little space. Unfortunately, this affords cyclists relatively little visibility on the city streets...
Tales of Gentrification in a Bohemian City
Montreal: Tales of gentrification in a bohemian city, is a documentary by freelance journalist (and Spacing Montreal contributor) Adam Bemma. I was at...
Photo du Jour : “Sanctuary”
Behind the Anarchist Bookstore, Saint-Laurent between Sherbrooke and Ontario.
Between design and day-to-day in the QDS
After the construction crews pack up, after the fanfare of the grand opening, after the grass takes root and the dust settles, only then begins a quieter...
Stip-tease QDS: what is your vision of the city’s core?
Every public space is imagined and experienced differently by different users, but heart of downtown Montreal – the area recently dubbed the...
Confessions of a Gentrification Double-Agent
Spacing Montreal contributor Adam Bemma recently interviewed me as part of The Gentrification Project, a documentary film about how urban development...