By Alanah Heffez
What is a Neighbourhood? – Le Coeur du Quartier
Elliot the the dog out for a romp in the alleyways of a not-yet-definitively-named neighbourhood. Every once in a while I overhear a heated debate about...
Photo du Jour – Food not Bombs
Fruit and sandwiches at Berri Square, courtesy of the Montreal chapter of Food not Bombs. The volunteers told me they collect food that would have...
St Patrick’s Day Parade Tomorrow at noon!
Here are a few images that capture the spirit of mêlé and madness from past St-Patty’s day parades in Montreal. The parade is this Sunday at 12...
Photo du Jour : Chinatown Rendez-Vous
Photo prise le 17 mars 20090
Photo du Jour : Hardcore Recycling
I love this personalized “green box” which has been spray-painted black and decorated with Tattoo parlour stickers.
The STM Needs New Ways to Make Ends Meet
Last week the mayor announced $40-million cut in spending on transit, about 4% of the STM’s annual budget. And this, he assured us, was supposed to...
Photos du Jour : “Negro Community Centre”
The NCC/Charles H. Este Cultural Centre (formerly Negro Community Centre) was founded in 1928 and housed on the corner of Coursol Street and Canning...
Independent Experts Question Turcot Plans
Turcot Think Tank: independent experts held a press conference March 17th. A team of independent experts calling themselves the Turcot Think Tank (TTT...
Photo du Jour : Panhandler and Palm
A pandhandler brings a bit of welcome greenery to Ste-Catherine street near Berri. Photo taken March 17th 2009.
Photo du Jour : Restaurant Greene / Kamwing
St-Henri Diner-come-Chinese restaurant on Notre-Dame West. Midnight Poutine covers the sushi-poutine dining experience.
Is this what we wanted?
Mixed-use development. Small-scale, street-level commerce. Walkable. Comfortable building height to street width ratio. Architecturally coherent, while...
Photo du Jour : Bend in the Bridge
The Jacques Cartier is a rather winding bridge. First of all, it was necessary to for it to curve over Ile Ste-Hélène, in order to avoid placing the...