By Cédric Sam
Showing the Olympics in Chinatown
It’s hard to believe that the Olympics are now finished! “F-I-NI, fini”, as you would say in the local idioms. This was a picture taken...
McGill University’s new life sciences buildings
In a past life, I was a university student in biochemistry at McGill University. Toward the end of my degree, there were talks that entrepreneur and...
Beijing Olympics opening ceremony in Montreal Chinatown
On Friday morning, I went to Chinatown to watch the opening ceremony to the 2008 Olympic Games. Sun Yat-sen park was full by 7:45AM, when I arrived. As...
Beijing’s Nanluogu Xiang: hutongs for tourists
For the entire first week of my two-week stay in Beijing last April, my host, an American-Chinese living in Beijing, has been chanting me praises of...
Photo du jour : Autoroute 15, Ville Mont-Royal
A subtle stretch of autoroute Décarie (highway 15, between the 20 and 40), which is the main artery bringing traffic to downtown Montreal from the north...
Beijing: Public exercise spaces
Megan Hall, Spacing Toronto’s correspondent in Beijing this summer, wrote a very interesting post on public exercise equipment in Beijing’s...
McGill University’s Molson & McConnell Halls
Molson Hall McConnell Hall McGill’s Molson and McConnell Halls are adjacent to each other, and both located above Molson Stadium. To outsiders, such...
Photo du jour : Sur la piste cyclable
Cette photo a été prise hier sur la rue Rachel, où passe la principale voie est-ouest cyclable du Plateau Mont-Royal.
La rue Ste-Catherine, piétonnière de Berri à Papineau
Depuis le début de l’année, Spacing vous a proposé quelques articles sur la piétonnisation de la rue Ste-Catherine, entre Berri et Papineau (1 | 2 ...
L’exposition « Hochelaga-Maisonneuve en trois temps » au Château Dufresne
Carte postale du boulevard Pie-IX vers 1920 (détail) Peu de gens le savent, mais 2008 marque le 125e anniversaire de l’annexation de la ville...
Le parc Belmont et la mort du parc d’attractions ailleurs dans le monde
Téléchargez Adieu parc Belmont! (Archives de Radio-Canada) Le site des Archives de Radio-Canada recèle de nombreux petits trésors, dont ce clip vidéo sans...
Cards, tokens and chips
The STM is slowly rolling out new transit cards that will replace the CAM and bus/metro transfer tickets in the course of the year to follow. I have not...