Features / En manchette
Montage du jour : Ensemble de maisons en rangée, intersection des rues Ontario et St-Denis
1975-2012 Source : Archives de la Ville de Montréal, VM6, R3962.2
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Montage du jour : L’entrepôt de J.B. Baillargeon, rue Ontario
1935-2012 L’entreprise J.B. Baillargeon, spécialisée dans l’entreposage et dans le déménagement, fit ériger cet imposant édifice en 1924 sur...
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Photo du jour: La fête nationale
Sometimes Montreal can feel completely distinct from the rest of Quebec, but this year it’s been particularly apparent that provincial politics play...
By Alanah Heffez -
Urban Planet: ParkScore, Traffic and Moby on Architecture
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
Photos du jour: L’Église St-Michel du Mile End
Photo du jour : Mile End Oasis
Flower shop on rue Bernard
By Alanah Heffez -
Photo du jour: The Win
Saint-Laurent and Rachel: Portugal won a world Euro cup match on Sunday afternoon.
By Alanah Heffez -
Photo du jour : Perdu
Coin de Marie-Anne et Brébeuf
By Chris Erb -
Urban Planet: Preserving the View of Citadel Hill
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
Sim City: Auto-Saurus-Rex, Volcano, UFO’s in Spacington!
This week some interesting irregular events took place in Spacington: UFO landing, Auto-Saurus-Rex rampage, and a Volcano erupted. If you like this kind...
By Dylan Collie -
Urban Planet: Retro New York Futures
Urban Planet is a daily roundup of blogs from around the world dealing specifically with urban environments. We’ll be on the lookout for websites outside...
By Hilary Best -
Photo du jour – All the street’s a stage
Avenue Mont-Royal is becoming a pedestrian street this weekend for Nuit blanche sur tableau noir. I was struck this evening by how many kids were enjoying...
By Alanah Heffez