Beyond the Highway’s End
While I’ve been nearly absent from Spacing Montreal in the past 2-3 months, I’ve been working in two Cree communities in Northern Quebec. One...
By Alanah Heffez -
Dimanche démocratique : Montréal est en action
« Au lieu de donner à un politicien les clefs de la ville, on ferait mieux de changer les serrures. » – Doug Larson I smell an election coming on...
By Émile Thomas -
Photo du jour : La crypte du monastère du Bon Pasteur
Converti en espace à bureaux et en logements en 1987, le monastère du Bon pasteur construit sur la rue Sherbrooke en 1847 possède toujours une crypte en...
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Colloque international : Des couvents en héritage
Ancien couvent des soeurs des Saints-Noms-de-Jésus-et-de-Marie à St-Roch de l’Achigan Désormais délaissés de plus en plus par les communautés...
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Are Taxis Public Space?
A Montreal Taxi driver is contesting a $1400 fine for decorating his dashboard with flags, family photos, and mezuzas (Hebrew scrolls). The Taxi Bureau...
By Alanah Heffez -
Mary to Descend from Dawson Tomorrow
If you’re passing by Sherbrooke West tomorrow morning (Thursday Sept 24th), keep en eye out for the descent of Mary and Jesus. Dawson College...
By Alanah Heffez -
Learning the tricks of the trade from the real Sin City
« Si tu ne sais pas porter ton péché, il faut mieux le laisser aux experts. » – Marcel Jouhandeau, sort of. Montréal is Sin City. At least, that is...
By Émile Thomas -
Toronto Tuesday : Helmets, Pages & Bylaws
Each Tuesday, Spacing Montreal will share some posts from our sister blog, Spacing Toronto. We hope it will fuel constructive dialogue on the urban issues...
By Timea Jakab -
Montage du jour : L’église Notre-Dâme-de-Grâce
1953-2009 Construite de 1851 à 1853, cette église du quartier Notre-Dame-de-Grâce fut totalement modernisée au cours des années 1960. Source : Archives de...
By Guillaume St-Jean -
Photo du Jour – Graffiti Wall Evolution
These twenty pictures were taken between May 26th and July 12th on De Maisonneuve and Marcel in NDG, a spot I bike by almost every day. The lower part of...
By Alanah Heffez -
Turcot, the United Nations and Climate Change
Looking forward to winter smog? (courtesy of the Meteorological Service of Canada) This week at the UN headquarters in New York, the highest level climate...
By Jacob Larsen -
Surreal Sights Inside the Sewers of Côte St. Paul
I have a feeling we’re not in Montreal anymore. I’ve been asked a number of times if I’ve ever come across anything underground in Montreal that’s...
By Andrew Emond