Toronto Tuesday: Bike “blockades”, Brampton bulldozers and content Torontonians
Each Tuesday, Spacing Montreal will share some posts from our sister blog, Spacing Toronto. We hope it will fuel constructive dialogue on the urban issues...
By Matt Lee -
Bixi on iPhone now (officially) available
There has been an interesting controversy brewing about the use of a user-created application for iPhones and Blackberries to track Bixi availability...
By Spacing -
Photo du jour : Red house
Rue de Ségur, Laval.
By Chris Erb -
Interactive Series: Montreal’s Worst Intersections
We do a lot of celebrating our city here at Spacing Montreal, but we do our fair share of criticising, too. As you might gather, this falls under the...
By Jacob Larsen -
Photo du jour : Au Boeuf Bourguignon
Boulevard Cartier Ouest, Laval.
By Chris Erb -
Street festivals everywhere, all the time
For the second year, Ste-Catherine street is pedestrianized between Berri and Papineau. As if the village weren’t colourful enough, these yellow...
By Alanah Heffez -
Photo du Jour – Water tower
A couple years back I noticed that Brooklyn had adopted the water tower as a mascot of sorts. Relics of a time when things were big and ugly and...
By Alanah Heffez -
Le Bixi sous un angle innovateur
Le petit bonhomme prend à tâche d’utiliser le nouvel appareil qui se trouvait dans sa rue. « Qu’est-ce que c’est ? » demande-t-il. . .
By Émile Thomas -
Remembering 6/4, the Tiananmen events, in Montreal’s most Chinese public space
Almost naturally, Parc Sun-Yat-Sen, also called Zhongshan Park by some, was the location of Montreal’s presumably only public commemoration of 6/4...
By Cédric Sam -
Tree Tuesday: Hawthorns and other cemetery favourites
Sunday tree walk: Trees of Mount Royal Cemetery, no charge, 1 p.m. – 4 p.m., to reserve: 514-279-7358 or aws@mountroyalcem.com The Mount Royal...
By Bronwyn Chester -
The World Wide Web of the Turcot Interchange
Courtesey of Signé Turcot While many Montrealers wait with baited breath as the hearings of the Bureau des Audiences Publiques sur l’Environnement...
By Jacob Larsen -
Le Bixi sous un angle différent
Vous avez été très nombreux à répondre à notre article de la semaine dernière qui demandait vos premières impressions du Bixi. Les commentaires positifs...
By Cédric Sam