The Future Fix: l’innovation au service des citoyens
Spacing and Evergreen proudly present The Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada, a special podcast series. This is a special, French-language edition.
By Spacing Radio -
The Future Fix: Generation Restoration
Spacing and Evergreen proudly present The Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada, a special podcast series.
By Spacing Radio -
The Overhead: Preserving Community
Spacing and the Balanced Supply of Housing research node proudly present The Overhead: Understanding Canada’s Affordable Housing Crisis, a special podcast series.
By Spacing Radio -
Notes from Britain
For the past two decades, Spacing contributor Sean Ruthen has written several architectural travelogues on places near and far – here in Canada from...
By Sean Ruthen -
Book Review: Surviving Vancouver
“There’s a tranquil spot at Georgina Point on Mayne Island where I sat in 2021 and looked back across the Salish Sea to the mainland. It was a...
By Sean Ruthen -
The Future Fix: Fighting wildfires with drones and video games
Spacing and Evergreen proudly present The Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada, a special podcast series.
By Spacing Radio
The Future Fix: Dipping into water data
Spacing and Evergreen proudly present The Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada, a special podcast series.
By Spacing Radio -
THE FUTURE FIX: Vivre en Ville à Victoriaville
Spacing and Evergreen proudly present The Future Fix: Solutions for Communities Across Canada, a special podcast series. This is a special, French-language edition.
By Spacing Radio
Angels in the City
Walking around Ottawa, with eyes directed only towards the city’s 70-plus statues and monuments the heroism of Canada, can seem overwhelming. A knight...
By Tonya Davidson -
Dreaming in colour: The story behind Ottawa’s world-class transit map
Editor’s note: At Spacing Ottawa we were captivated by Adam Bentley’s vision of an Ottawa “transit map from the future” from our...
By Adam Bentley -
The Gréber plan: A ghost of Ottawa past
In the late-1940s, Ottawa was a vastly different place from the city we know today. In spite of being Canada’s capital for 80 years, the city was...
By David McClelland -
Image of the Past: Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus
Image: Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus Location: 1053 Carling Avenue Date of photo: Unknown Photographer/Source: Library and Archives Canada, Department of...
By Spacing -
OC Transpo gets graphic: The transitway map
While sitting on a bus in Ottawa this past summer, I found myself doing a double take out the window – but not for any reason you may guess. In...
By Spacing -
The sign of the fish: Ottawa sewer grates
Are the patterned openings to these storm sewer grates trying to tell us something? Some people look at them and see an odd jumble, others think a...
By Evan Thornton