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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

A Toronto Poster Project

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Artist Jackie Kriekle has put up a bunch of posters around Toronto neighbourhoods that invite people to explore and possibly comment on those areas.

This work consists of a series of posters mounted in several overlapping downtown Toronto neighbourhoods. The posters are hung on the lamp posts and the billboards of the community, there to be discovered as one moves through the city. They depict idiosyncratic moments in construction and community which are shared by the individuals who live in and pass through these neighbourhoods. If a passerby’s interest is piqued, the posters provide minimal directions that will lead them to find these magical and curious spots. The journey is rewarded by the location itself as well as by another poster to guide them elsewhere if they choose.

If you go to the Poster Project Site you can see the posters as well as a map marking their locations.
