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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Planning for bikes

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Yesterday in Toronto, the Bikeway Planning and Development Workshop was held at Ontario Place gathering 30 municipal planners and transportation planners from southern Ontario. The keynote speaker was Marc Jolicoeur, chief research analyst from Vélo Québec. So why is a bike activist from Quebec advising us on bike infrastructure? Because Quebec recently announced a $5.4 million investment to complete 4,300 kilometres of bikeways through the province, largely through the creation of bike lanes on most secondary highways. Sadly, Toronto is four years behind on its 10-year Bike Plan, and the only agency that seems interested in bike paths is the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, which developed a 650-kilometre Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail and Greenway. So we know our civil servants are hearing good messages — now we have to make sure councillors have their ears open, too. But if you remember what our outstanding politicians said on Car Free Day, you know that making them listen to the demands of the cycling community will be an uphill battle. Read about it in the Star today.

Also, over the last month we have had a bike theme going on our photoblog, SpacingPhotos. Check it out daily.
