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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

TV on transit

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You may have noticed that the high-definition video screens are being installed throughout the subway system. About half the screen shows 15 to 30 second commericals, while the other half gives you a news feed, weather, the time, and a tiny strip across the bottom with TTC updates. TTC Commissioners even considered allowing TV monitors on subway trains, but the idea was quickly shot down. But some cities in the US are experimenting with TV on transit. For one experience check out this awkwardly told story from Los Angeles weekly LA City Beat.

Since we’re talking about video screens and transit… Last week, after the TTC fare hike, I was flipping through the TTC’s Ridership Growth Strategy (needed to brush up on some facts since it was being referred to by a number politicians and transit advocates). I found an interesting tidbit:

Communicating effectively with passengers contributes to their satisfaction with the TTC. A number of initiatives, all of which will require new funding, have been identified as having a potential to provide significant customer benefits. These include improved and more effective signage within subway stations and system-wide, continued expansion and improvement of the provision of electrontic information through the TTC’s website, electronic displays of vehicle arrival times within subway stations and on-street stops…. [page 11, section 3.1]

Hmmm. The last time I looked at the new screens there was no indication of when the next train was going to arrive, but I found out that Shoppers Drug Mart was having a sale on soap.
