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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Who You Gonna Call? Obstacle-Busters!

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At the Toronto Pedestrian Committee in January, we heard a presentation from city staff about sidewalk obstacles (construction scaffolding, patios, A-frame ads, etc). Apparently, the city relies on members of the public to lodge complaints in order to identify illegal sidewalk obstructions. There aren’t enough bylaw enforcement officers to do it. (It doesn’t help that two separate departments are in charge of overseeing different types of obstructions).

So, as a public service, here are the numbers to call when you see a sidewalk obstruction that you suspect may be illegal (i.e. they didn’t get authorization from the city first). Put the one for your area on your cell, if you have one, so you can quickly call whenever you see an obstruction!

Etobicoke District – 416 394-2532
North York District – 416 395-7020
Scarborough District – 416 396-8221
Toronto, East York District – 416 392-3128

Citywide Manager, mobile investigations, licensing & standards:
416 392-3067

One member of the Committee has already tried calling his district number and successfully got illegal A-frames removed from a sidewalk intersection, so they can indeed work.



  1. I feel like they would be hazardous to blind people- Kevin and I have wanted to complain about them many times before.
    For downtown is it simply the citywide number?

  2. While we’re talking sidewalk obstacles, can we throw in a rant against bike lane obstacles. Deadly obstacles…

  3. How can you tell if it is an “illegal” A-Frame or legal? Are they legal at all?

    I hate the signs along queen street and along yonge street… as these are busy sidewalks and A-Frames are taking up precious sidewalk space!

  4. I too hate these signs, especially when they are deliberately placed in the middle of the sidewalk in areas where it is narrow. Let’s just say I sometimes accidentally walk into these and knock them flat. Oops.

  5. Hello all. I just want to complain about the fact that I can’t get ahold of any bylaw enforcement officer downtown. I’ve been trying all weekend. I’m in a wheelchair and I live on Clinton st. just north of College. The Cafe Diplomatico has completely blocked off the street and sidewalk with metal fences on the corner of College and Clinton. I know this is a bylaw offence, but the cafe seems to do whatever they want and get away with it. My neighbors can’t park their car on the street without getting a ticket within five minutes, but the cafe Diplomatico is allowed to completely block off the sidewalk with fences and put me through hell as a disabled person (I’m sure everyone else is inconvenienced as well). Anyway, if anyone has any idea how to get a bylaw officer there this weekend I would greatly appreciate it. Having to manoever my way over curbs in a wheelchair to get home is very uncomfortable.

    Thanks. Dawn.