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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

T.Ode Continues (to battle road rage)

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This morning our trailer was parked along the side of St. Lawrence Market until about noon, on the west side. Airstreams were built for Montana, not downtown Toronto. When we pulled out, some market guy had parked his van at an angle not allowing enough room to pass. So the airstream created a very angry traffic jam. I stood out waiting for him to return, incurring the abuse of some drivers, while other people who paid attention to the situation told me that the van driver should be arrested and tortured. It was like New York City. When he finally returned, he didn’t seem to care, so I banged on his van and said “Look what you did,” and pointed up at the angry jam. He looked, not so sheepishly then drove off, and another woman said “Good for you,” too me while nodding vigoriously. It was like Toronto again. Then we drove off, to High Park.

We’re currently parked in front of Colborne Lodge (1837), listening to the rain on the roof of the trailer. We have a wifi internet uplink in here, donated by the CBC, making it very civilized (in the way Wireless Toronto has finally civilized Dufferin Grove Park with Wifi). We’ll be here until the rain washes us away later this afternoon. Remember, you can book a time to record here, and track our progess on platial. Upcoming locations:

Sunday June 4 12-5pm Montgomery’s Inn 4709 Dundas W

Monday June 5 9-3pm Parkdale Rec Ctr 1499 Queen W

Tuesday June 6 10-4pm Lakeshore Lodge 3197 Lkshr W

Wed June 7 7-12am CBC 250 Front

Thursday June 8 11-7pm Gibson House 5172 YongeE

EDIT> On Monday we’ll probably be in front of the big Parkdale globe because of parking and permits to park issues. I have never thought as much about where I’m going to park. Parkdale takes the (easy) park out of dale.



  1. Hey Guys,
    The rain must sound lovely…
    Keep up the good work 😉

  2. I have seen a marked rise in Micallef’s rage since he started driving that beast. Which is understandable — I’d kill people if I had to drive that thing around.