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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Street furniture gone wild

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Today at Toronto’s City Hall, city councillors will finish their debate about the possible street furniture contract the City wishes to tender in the fall. One of the items our local representatives will probably discuss is the Superbox — the City wants to combine individual newspaper boxes into one big box to decrease commercial clutter and save room on the sidewalk. So what will happen to all those boxes once a “superbox” comes into play? Well, we can just look to street artist TEWZ ONE out of Chicago for inspiration.



  1. Wouldn’t it be great if all the newspaper boxes were replaced with one well-designed superbox and all newspaper boxes were banned in the downtown core and replaced with tastefully designed newspaper stands like in Europe?

    Oh, to dream….

  2. Street furniture didn’t end up being debated. Almost nothing got done at City Council yesterday – the right-wingers spent the morning yelling about Moscoe and the afternoon yelling about some industrial lands in Etobicoke. Being in the gallery was a horrible experience, but it ended well in grilled scallops and jumbo shrimp.