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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

The Adidas bridge at the World Cup

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Just like the Olympics, the World Cup is an outdoor ad agency’s wet dream. Adidas placed this massive billboard over a bridge construction site on the way to the Munich Airport, featuring a monster dive by the German goalkeeper, Oliver Kahn.

The public space advocate in me needs to point out that this may be the most distracting thing I could ever come across while driving, all in the name of an ad campaign. But the marketing and graphic designer in me (my trained profession) is highly impressed with the creative use of space, not to mention that it does look better than a half-built bridge. I guess what always irritates me about this form of Ad Creep is my desire for people/institutions to do creative projects like this for less crass or commercial reasons. If this was a public art installation instead of a campaign to push a brand on me (that I’m already very aware of) I’d probably be pretty hyped about this.

via Advertising for Peanuts



  1. can’t disagree there … my first reaction was wow! that’s impressive and kinda neat… BUT, equally disturbing because it is yet another AD!