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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

A gate fit for a prince

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John Lorinc has an article in the Globe & Mail today about a facelift at the CNE:

Tomorrow morning the city will cut the ribbon on a landscaped piazza, road improvements and new pedestrian/cycling amenities intended to resolve long-standing access problems near the base of the 79-year-old ceremonial entrance to the Canadian National Exhibition.

The project is the result of plans “to improve open spaces and the road network in an area experiencing an explosion of residential development.”

If you want to be one of the first to get a look, head down to the CNE tomorrow from 9 until noon for the opening ceremony.



  1. I walked down today at lunch to check it out. It’s quite nice with the fountains running in the background. Lucy Zilio from OMNI TV was there filming a bit. It would make a nice place for a gelato stand with some chairs and small tables.

    However, it wonder how much use it will get. All the nearby condos are still a 5 minute plus walk away, and anyone living in those condos would have little reason to come to the square there, it’s in the opposite direction of anything else that people might want. Perhaps if there was a more 365 day a year presence in the Ex grounds to draw people into the area.