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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Pirates of the Streetcar party

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Pirates of the Streetcar Party: A fundraiser for Newmindspace
Friday, August 4th 2006, Bathurst & Wolseley @ 7:30p

Our friendly, freaky friends over at Newmindspace are putting together a fundraising event with a Streetcar party. Here is the email they sent us:

Ahoy! Mysterious mermaids and plundering pirates alike, join us as we weigh anchor and set sail upon the seven streets. Plunder Parkdale, hornswoggle High Park and swashbuckle in Seaton Village. Shake yer booty with buccaneers and scallywags from the briney deep. Grab yer grog ‘n get ready to caper with the best! Yarrr! Come in costume, or ye be walkin’ the plank!

$15 advance sales only. Tickets available at Numb, 250 Queen W + 2thebeat, 161 Spadina. All responsible ages.

Tickets also available through the Newmindspace web site.



  1. “Our friendly, freaky friends”? They’re no longer “those crazy kids”?

    Is this a step up or a step down?

  2. What is also very cool about this is that the fundraising is going towards the Imaginarium, a “space in downtown Toronto for art, music and wild parties… a massive headquarters for Newmindspace and you’re all invited! It will be space for ideas to grow and a place to distill our culture.“.