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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING: new issue in two weeks!

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September is a busy month for Spacing. We have a few announcements to make (which you may want to mark down in your calendar).

1. New issue of Spacing! In two weeks, the newest issue of Spacing will be hitting the streets (September 18). Since the city will be in the throes of a municipal election over the next two-and-a-half months, we thought it would be appropriate for Spacing to outline the topics we feel City Hall needs to make its top priorities. We’ve even compiled report cards on our graduating class of city councillors: we identify the star pupils and problem children.

2. Release party of new issue! As usual, Spacing will throw a release party for the new issue. Come down to the Gladstone Hotel (Queen and Dufferin) on Thursday, September 28 (doors open around 8pm). It costs you $10 which gets you a magazine, possibly a few door prizes, and a chance to rub shoulders with a number of candidates from across the city.

3. Spacing Votes blog! We are not only releasing an election-focused issue, we are starting another blog to cover the 2006 election called Spacing Votes. We have assembled a crack team of 15 young writers and urban thinkers to bring you news, profiles, and analysis over the next two-and-a-half months. You’ll hear what candidates have to say about transit, smog, bike lanes, ad creep, planning, sustainable development, and a variety of other topics. The blog goes live on Monday September 18th (the same day mags hit the newsstand!).

4. Mayoral debate! Spacing is teaming up with our friends over at Eye Weekly to bring our readers a mayoral debate in late-October or early-November. We think City Hall needs to be shaken up a fair bit (hence our election graphic, above, by Marc Ngui) and there is no better way to do than to ask tough and pointed questions to the candidates. We will have a date and venue very soon. Keep your eyes open.



  1. Great Image for the election. There are a lot of things that need shaking up at City Hall. sd