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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Rating the public washrooms of Toronto

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The Star went out and performed an audit on Toronto’s public washrooms. Read the full article.

Everyone appreciates a clean washroom. But if the outrage — or whatever it is — dripping from the emails and calls of readers from as far away as Philadelphia is any indication, many washrooms operated by the city or public agencies are slimy and disgusting.

A thriving metropolis that insists it is a world-class city would pride itself on its spotless privies, wouldn’t it? Surely the situation can’t be that bad, we thought.

And go we did, to more than 30 washrooms in city parks and buildings, the TTC, Ontario Place and the Canadian National Exhibition. Our “audit” revealed some that were not that bad, while others were revolting.Grime-caked floors, covered by fetid pools of liquid with sodden gobs of toilet paper in them. Stalls so filthy that women lined up to use others only slightly less so. Stomach-churning odours.

Those are the good ones.



  1. Wasn’t there someone compling a list of public and semi-public washrooms around the city? Did he ever publish it?

  2. I am ashamed to admit online, but I tried to make use of the public washrooms, and I ended up going to a alley to relieve myself.

  3. You know how bad the washrooms at Innis College are? I once decided to hold it until I could get to Bloor Station.