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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

What’s on Spacing Votes

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Each week we round-up the Spacing Votes posts from the previous seven days into a nice, digestable size. Over the next three weeks we’ll also be publishing the City Council report cards found in the magazine’s Fall 2006 issue. And Spacing and Eye Weekly have teamed up to present a mayoral event Nov. 6th.

John Lorinc columns:
Third rail or third way
What to do with LeDrew?

Mayors’ race
Etobicoke mayoral candidates forum
What to do with LeDrew?
Pitfield takes Spacing’s word — literally!
Miller needs waterfront more than it needs him

Election Tidbits
Candidate Ainslie caught in bald-face lie
Why is voter turnout so low?
Candidate plays race card in Scarborough
Election poster contest being held by Toronto Youth Cabinet
Diverse communities need voice at the polls
Power Plant debate heats up, goes digital
Brett Lamb’s weekly political cartoon

St. Clair ROW focal point in councillor races
City Council TTC report card: Wards 12-22
City Council TTC report card: Wards 23-28

Ad Creep
Parkdale candidates weight in on monster garbage bins

Serious development problems in Scardborough, says candidate
Hip to be square

Coalition for Active Transportation’s election survey
Will candidates support city funding for BikeShare?

Walk to waterfront with Ward 14 candidates
Chinese Canadian National Council’s Ward 20 all candidates debate
Pledge TO Green declaration
Spacing & Eye Weekly’s The Political Party Nov. 6
