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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

It’s where I’m from frankly, couldn’t pick a better city

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Alright, so it’s a bit of a grey coolish day out there, a hard day to get excited about life in the old Toronto the Good. So listen to this, have a coffee, and thank your higher spiritual power that you’re not in Lincoln, NB, or Paris, FR, or for that matter, anywhere else. Just scroll down to “T.Ode” and find a place in your living room to do the moonwalk.

photo by City of Toronto 



  1. Yeah, this was the song that inspired the name of Shawn’s project in the Humanitas Festival this past spring.

  2. Slightly unrelated. You cannot believe the massive surprise when you mention Lincoln, NB (where I was in until two years ago) published..

    Anyway, it is true that I am glad I am not there now.