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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing invites you to Municipal Mind book launch Wednesday


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Municipal Mind: Manifestos for the Creative City
by Toronto’s Poet Laureate Pier Giorgio Di Cicco

When: Wednesday June 27th, 7:30pm
Where: Gladstone Hotel, 2nd Floor Gallery 1214 Queen St. West

Mansfield Press and Spacing magazine, in association with the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Toronto, invite you to celebrate the launch of Municipal Mind: Manifestos for the Creative City, by Toronto’s Poet Laureate Pier Giorgio Di Cicco.

Spacing has developed a special friendship with Pier Di Cicco: he’s gone on walks with our editors to muse about the state of Toronto; we often seek out each other’s opinions on city and urban issues; and we often only refer to him as just simply “The Poet.” Spacing is excited to be a part of Di Cicco’s book launch and hope you can join us in celebrating this release.

The Poet Laureate has extended his role beyond the area of arts advocacy and into the realm of “civic aesthetic”, a term he coined to define building a city through citizenship, civic ethic, and urban psychology. Di Cicco urges all of us to incorporate art and poetry into the business of living so that daily life is inspired by intimacy, zest, and sociality. This creates a renewal of passionate citizenry open to new ideas, new languages, and new ways of looking and seeing, which, in turn, will lead to inclusive and open public places and processes.

Di Cicco is also a Roman Catholic priest, Curator of the Humanitas Museum and Center for Global Cities, and a professor at the University of Toronto.  Municipal Mind: Manifestos for the Creative City is published by City Building Books, a division of Mansfield Press,in association with Comedia (UK).


One comment

  1. The poet is a looker. Lovely eyes. Sorry, just had to say.