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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Saturday’s headlines

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INSIDE CITY HALL: Miller gets cold shoulder from NDP MPPs [ Globe and Mail ]
More cuts, more anger [ Toronto Star ]
JAMES: NDP’s city relief just pie in the sky [ Toronto Star ]
City unveils cuts to services [ National Post ]
The GTA’s fiscal family: all over the map [ Toronto Star ]
Summer driest in 50 years [ Toronto Star ]
Coal plants keep the lights on [ Toronto Star ]
West Nile Virus returns to Toronto [ Toronto Sun ]
Oakville, developers strike deal on green space [ Globe and Mail ]
Police urge vigilance after park attacks [ Globe and Mail ]
Cyclist struck by truck dies [ Toronto Star ]
Urban fabric softened [ National Post ]
TTC players pick their platforms [ Toronto Sun ]
Declaring war of spray paint [ Globe and Mail ]
Billboards stir concern about $1-billion street furniture deal [ Globe and Mail ]
Getting the real story on Little India [ Globe and Mail ]
DiMANNO: many panhandlers simply bullies [ Toronto Star ]
Panhandling’s revolving door [ Toronto Sun ]
Festivities mean lots of detours [ Toronto Star ]

photo by Vicki Mundoo 



  1. Wow, I’m very disappointed in Rosario Marchese and Michael Prue. Howard Hampton has been supportive despite the fact that his northern Ontario riding probably enjoys seeing Toronto squirming – it would be nice to see our local representatives standing up for us, especially since the kinds of programs the NDP generally champions (social justice, environmental, etc.) are those most likely to be negatively affected by cuts. God knows the local Liberal MPPs have been MIA on Toronto issues forever.

  2. The Mississauga cyclist who was killed had been struck by a city bus, not a truck.