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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

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Alok Mukherjee, chairman of the Toronto Police Services Board, sent out a notice today to inform the world that he had started a blog.

Immediately thinking of the possibilities, questions began racing through my mind: Would he put the Toronto Police Association on notice that their top of the line salaries will be reeled in? Zing ex-chief Julian Fantino for the way he describes Mukherjee’s friends in a recently released book? Give Torontonians an impassioned defense of the ever-growing police budget?

Uh, no.

Instead, we find out that Mukherjee has had a cordial meeting with TPA president Dave Wilson, he corrected Fantino for incorrectly stating the relationship between the TPS and the City in a most understated fashion, and that ranks of the TPS are swelling.

While no one wants the days of corruption and strife back at the TPSB, the least Mukherjee could do is provide some compelling insight into what has to be one of the most interesting jobs in Toronto. If the posts continue to be as bland as the first four, you’ll be better off sticking to TPSB press releases.

Photo by HiMY SYeD.



  1. We’re still a metropolitan? Just another quirk for all those sign-enthused people.

  2. I notice he doesn’t allow comments on his blog. I’ll keep checking it for awhile, but I’ll bet it will be as uncontroversial as possible. Bland reports and no opportunity for feedback.

    I don’t always agree with the writers at Spacing, but at least they give me a chance to answer back. (and the articles are usually interesting, even if I disagree with the conclusion)