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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

POLL: Do you like winter?

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photo by Bouke Salverda

Recently, someone said to me that winter was fun for them until we reached the age of responsibility — once we had things to do that needed to be completed with some urgency, the winter season got in the way. I have other friends who love winter and rarely change their habits due to the weather (like riding bikes year round).

So, Spacing asks you today: do you like winter?



  1. I think winter brings out the kid in me (more than usual ;)). Playing in the snow, sledding, skiing or whatever other activity gives me loads of fun that I don’t necessarily do during the spring, summer or fall.

  2. I cycle all year, but it is a pain. I think there is a clear difference as to where you live and what cycling is like in the winter for you. i.e. Downtown is usually cleaned first, and everything is close to where you need it to be.

    When you’re cycling in from outside that area, or cycling to somewhere near the airport, winter blows. A lot.

    Bring on spring.

  3. I loathe winter. Here’s to expedited global warming.

  4. This one loves winter. I get, usually, my best photos in January and February. As long as it doesn’t dip to -40 or so (camera stops working) I’m good from -30 to -10. The more snow the better.

  5. I like winter, but I wish it was much shorter. I also hate winter when there’s no snow. Then it’s just cold – what’s the fun in that?

  6. I enjoy everything about winter except the early darkness. Although technically that’s as least as much a problem with autumn.

    There’s just something magical about hopping off the TTC bundled up in a nice thick coat, scarf, toque & gloves, then trudging a block through blizzardy snow to the bar/restaurant/lounge where your friends are waiting. Stepping into the warmth, pulling off all that winter gear and grabbing a drink is just heavenly.

  7. Dave – what’s your beef with bikes? I happily ride year round and I’m not clear why you feel compelled to order us hearty souls to dismount…

  8. I like winter fine. What I despise is the stupidity of the mindset in Toronto that you only have to clear snow for cars: ^%&* the poor, the young, and the non-conformist who want to walk, ride or get across a snowbank to transit!

  9. John> I sort of like the early darkness because there is so much activity on the street, and yet it’s dark. Seems cozy.

    Be happy we’re not Edinburgh. About now it gets dark at 230pm. That sort of rocked the internal boat a bit.

  10. I like a clear, sunny winter day with the ground covered in snow. Don’t mind if it’s cold.

    Days like today, with a constant gray pall over everything are completely deflating.

  11. Hi Shawn,

    Cozy is a good word for the darkness. Especially when it gets that sort of orangey/greenish winter glow. 🙂

    I think my main problem is that there’s two or three months when I both head off to, and come home from, work in the dark. Spending all the daylight hours at a desk makes it feel like the day has totally passed me by.

    My mind has mercifully blanked out the northern winters, though not memories of walking home in 4am sunlight in the summer. That sort of does your head in a bit too. 😉

  12. I love winter, but we don’t get a proper one in Toronto. The temperature is too much up and down over the freezing mark. If it stayed below -5 C or so, it would be great.

  13. I love winter because I love watching people slip and fall on thier butt. Winter makes people more honest.