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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Events Guide: Customizing Google Maps and Silent Rave

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WHAT: Customizing Google Maps on your website
WHEN: Saturday, February 9, 10am-6pm
WHERE: Rich Media Institute, 156 Augusta Ave.
HOW MUCH: $129

The Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface) allows you to implement the functionality of their maps into your web applications. During this workshop, you will learn how to add maps to your own sites, include the controls you need, and add your own customized markers and path overlays.

For details, and to register, click here.

WHAT: Silent Rave
WHEN: Saturday, February 9, 3:15pm-4:30pm
WHERE: Nathan Phillips Square

Bring your iPod, mp3 player, CD Player, walkman, what have you, in front of Nathan Phillips Square this Saturday. Load it up with your favourite tunes, and get ready to dance!!

To find out more, check out the Facebook event page.

The Events Guide is a new, regular feature on Spacing Toronto. To submit a listing, email Please note that, due to demand, we cannot guarantee publication of your listing.



  1. That sounds like a gas to me! Wish I could make it.

  2. What on earth does the “customizing google maps” thing have to do with Spacing?

  3. Aww. Silent Rave sounds so cool!! But it’s Chinese New Year Dinner… C’est la vie.

  4. James,

    Does it really take that much imagination to figure out why digital cartography would be of interest to city-thinkin’ folks like the readers of spacing?