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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montréal Monday — rooftops, green roads, and jaywalkers

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Each Monday, Spacing will bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

• Writer Paul Erlichman takes us to the top of some beautiful Montréal buildings in his post, Interesting Mont-Royal roofs. It’s a nice reflection on the city’s connection to its architectural history.

Routes intelligentes? examines the issue of road-building innovation, raised in a recent article in Le Devoir. Montréal, like Toronto, falls behind other cities in lessening the environmental impact of laying asphalt.

Police response to pedestrian safety: stop jaywalking reports on a pending Montréal police crackdown, announced in response to an extensive safety dossier on pedestrianism published in La Presse. Christopher DeWolf writes: “Instead of cracking down on jaywalking, we need to learn from it: jaywalkers can tell us a lot about the design of our streets and how they should be improved.”



  1. Maybe opening a can of worms here. Is “Routes intelligentes?” or Le Devoir available in English?

  2. Yup, just use any online translate tool. It won’t be as good as getting a bilingual person to work through it, but you’ll get the idea. That’s how I did it, anyway.