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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Have you considered including updates wrt to the trial of the three Army guys who beat up and killed a homeless guy in Moss Park? It seems like it ought to be a public space issue. MP can be a strange place.

  2. The U-Pass idea is bullshit. Someone who lives right next to the school would have no choice but to pay $600/year for the transit pass, whether it gets used or not.

  3. At least get your facts straight. The U-Pass is $480 for the academic year. That’s an amazing deal. Even if a person lives close to campus. Virtually everyone uses the TTC or would use the TTC if it weren’t as expensive as it is now. This makes it affordable. Maybe a few won’t use it but they’re the rare exception. I can’t wait til I get to vote in Yes to a U-Pass at Ryerson!

  4. Jacob,

    Do you think school is the only place students travel to?

    Every insular U of T student could use some incentive to actually explore the city they live in instead of holing up in their residence rooms.

  5. If student’s unions were looking for a reason to reject the U-Pass proposal, one would think that it’s cost relative to other transit systems would be reason enough.