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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Saturday’s headlines

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  1. Didn’t Spacing have anyone at the Jarvis Street makeover meeting at the Nat’l Ballet last wednesday? It was SRO. I found out about it from the earlier piece here.

    As the Nat’l Post article mentions, there was one guy who ranted about how he MUST drive to work and didn’t want any changes to impede that divine right. Of course he also went on to rant about taxes. But there was another member of the community who asked for a show of hands, pro or con re: bike lanes on Jarvis. The crowd was about 75% pro.

    It was good to participate and see such an interested turnout. Hope they can move quickly on it as it should really improve the area.

  2. The tax issue is scandalous. The City “found” money and the interest groups couldn’t wait to spend it. Now that it turns out that money essentially never existed because the tax take was undercounted, we have to make it back from a surplus that I suspect would have gone back to the pillaged reserves. If Shelley Carroll doesn’t get Joe Pennechetti to sort out the guys who produce the balance sheets, who knows what re-re-re-re-revisions are ahead.

    In other news – remember how interest on Section 37 money wasn’t staying in S37 accounts but going back to general revenue? Check out this peach from page AA3 of Tuesday’s Star. On April 8, there will be a public meeting to discuss an application relating to 50/60/70 Town Centre Court, Scarborough. The Scarborough Community Council has recommended redirecting $800,000 was supposed to go to Albert Campbell Park and a new park to include playground equipment ($500,000) and “$20,000 for Scarborough flags to be used for municipal and civil purposes by the City and local City Councillors”

    And we wonder why the parks system is in crisis?