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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SPACING PRESENTS: Toronto the Good, May 27th


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WHEN: Tuesday, May 27th, 2008 starting at 7pm
WHERE: Fermenting Cellar, Distillery District
DJs: DJ trio Track Meet
HOW MUCH: $10 gets you into the site, plus food • CASH BAR
DRESS CODE: look nice!

RSVP: feel free to RSVP or share the Facebook event listing

Dear Torontonians,

The Festival of Architecture and Design is here again, and the folks at ERA Architects, Spacing Magazine, Toronto Society of Architects, Wireless Toronto, and [murmur] are throwing the fourth annual Toronto the Good party to celebrate Toronto.

This year, Toronto The Good wants attendees to explore an idea: planners, architects, developers, and interested residents from around the world are using a new tool — the urban centre — to educate the public and debate local development issues. Cities such as London, Amsterdam, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco have a place for the masses to come and learn about how their metropolis has grown and where it is headed.

Does Toronto need a similar centre? If so, what should it do and where should it be located? At the event, we want you to talk to your friends and colleagues, and even strangers, about your thoughts on this topic.

The party’s programme includes the now traditional stickering of the Big Map of Toronto, the results of TSA’s annual poster design competition, the last of Ballenford Books’ Toronto postcard series, a public text message display created by Toronto Media Lab, background but danceable music by the DJ trio Track Meet, and other charming activities. Come out May 27th to have a drink with people who care about your city.


photo by Sam Javanrouh



  1. Should I be worried about it selling out if I don’t get there until later in the evening?

  2. Yeah. It probably won’t be full unless a whole batallion of soldiers arrive. Are there even 1,000 soldiers in the entire city?

  3. I think they are in Afghanistan.

    The ones who came to the Fort York Toronto the Good party were about to ship out, I think.