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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montréal Monday: Horizon holes, sound maps, and deux Jacques

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Each Monday, we bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

• In a city’s downtown area, the sky is usually only seen when looking directly above, with buildings, traffic, and other visual obstacles walling you in on all sides. When the skyline actually does breaks apart to reveal an open corridor that stretches for blocks, it’s like a ray of sunlight that bursts through stormy clouds. Joel Thibert talks about (english) one of these “holes” that he found.

• A Montréal electroacoustics student has created a project documenting a certain side of cities that people usually try to drown out: the noise. From chirping birds to walk-by conversations, traffic, buskers, and sirens, the Montreal Sound Map might be the perfect white noise for a relaxing urbanist.

• Alanah Heffez has found two of the same Cartiers around the city, one of them’s gotta be a knock off!
