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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Events Guide: Walk & Bike For Life comes to Parkdale

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WHAT: Walk & Bike For Life workshop
WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009, 5:30pm to 8:30pm
WHERE: High Park Public Library, 228 Roncesvalles Avenue

On Thursday citizens, community leaders, and municipal staff of the City of Toronto will come together in a community-led planning workshop which will be facilitated by international active transportation expert and urban strategist Gil Penalosa.  Through the workshop process, participants will learn about successful active transportation planning from around the world and lay out priorities for action around walking, bicycling, and active mobility in their community.  Anyone with an interest in walking, bicycling, and making Parkdale a great place is encouraged to come out to the workshop, which will be held at High Park Public Library at 228 Roncesvalles Avenue.

photo by Kevin Steele



  1. Thanks Matthew. I will try to make it. Sounds interesting.