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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Congress for the New Urbanism Video Winner

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The Congress for the New Urbanism has announced the winner of its 2009 video contest. This short film Built to Last was made by the award-winning documentary teams First + Main Media in Julian, CA and Paget Films in Buffalo, NY. Their film summarizes the main principles of the New Urbanism movement, which promotes, density, walkability and neighbourhood-based development as opposed to sprawl.

While the message may not be new to those who read this blog, the video is still a good introduction for those new to urban space issues and the impact of city planning on the environment. While a bit simplistic and at times a little too black and white, Built to Last may be the kind of 3 minute trailer that will get more people thinking about the importance of sustainable cities.

The Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is an American group largely made up of planners, developers, architects, engineers, public officials, investors, and community activists interested in promoting vibrant mixed-use neighbourhoods and communities. Their charter outlines some of the basic tenants of the New Urbanism movement, together with how the CNU hopes to steer public policy and municipal planning decisions towards achieving these ideas.


One comment

  1. Such a simple but important message. I’m afraid the majority of our suburban population is oblivious to the need for this shift of priorities in planning. The video “…will get more people thinking about the importance of sustainable cities” only if they see it. The average car dependent, big box consumer is not getting the message. We must get these types of messages into the mainstream media, so local politicians will run on platforms that include ending sprawl.