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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Radio’s last show until January

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CHECK OUT THIS WEEK’S SPACING RADIO PODCAST: To coincide with the release of Spacing magazine’s new issue on urban animals, Spacing Radio sent our producer Mieke Anderson on a quest to find Toronto’s elusive albino squirrel (who is also the star of the magazine’s cover) with Jane Farrow (an albino squirrel know-it-all). Spacing’s contributing editor John Lorinc sat down with noted architecture critic Paul Goldberger to discuss the outlook on building cities in a difficult economic climate. We also sent our new contributor Sarah Bridge to an international transit conference to find out the different ways in which public transit literally shapes our cities.

Please subscribe to the Spacing Radio podcast through iTunes.

This is the last episode of Spacing’s Radio’s fall season. We return January 11th to start our winter season. Take a look at the Spacing Radio web site to listen to our other episodes.

photo by Michael Werner
