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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

SEASONAL RECIPES: Adam Gingerbrone Men

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Spacing will present a handful of drinks, desserts, and snacks that are catered to our very own political leaders. The series will continue until the end of the year.

Ingredients for Adam Gingerbrone Men:

2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup ambition
1/2 cup molasses-like TTC bureaucracy
1 egg
1-1/2 teaspoons of youth
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon grated residents of Lansdowne
1/2 teaspoon of LRT
1/2 teaspoon salt

Directions: In a large bowl, with mixer set to Quick-Ascension speed, mold ingredients until it becomes a well-groomed Dipper. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour. Bake at 501˙F. Remove from oven when the Queen streetcar finally shows up at your stop. Warning: If you plan to sell these cookies, do not raise the price of them by 11% unless you plan to cover up the cookies’ flaws with lots of icing.  A promise to deliver a greater amount of cookies in the coming years, however noble, may not be palatable to your customers.



  1. HAHA great post Matt and good idea.

  2. -Allow cookie to be chased by vegetable-hating Lands-downers.

  3. Recipe forgot to include the “arrogance”, “malarky” and “BS” that typically accompanies this councillor’s statements… but that would likely render it inedible.

  4. oh… and it’s not just the folks on Lansdowne annoyed with him.

  5. “1/2 teaspoon grated residents of Lansdowne”


  6. You forgot the 2 cups of shavings from a ‘Tin Ear’, that so characterizes this s-elfish deaf politician.

  7. Hopefully you can’t run for both mayor and councillor at the same time so that he’ll be out of power in no time.

  8. It would be funny if it was clever instead of just reiterating silly Toronto Star-like criticisms: that he is young or ambitious.

    Since when is someone’s age or the fact that they hold a position like TTC chair something that should be looked down-upon?

  9. Oh, it’s not a matter of age. It’s just a desire not to have streetcar lines dominate transit expansion in Toronto in the future.